Following an Introduction to al-Ghazzali's psychology of the greater struggle, the author gives a commentary upon Part One of al-Ghazzali's Introduction to his famous Alchemy of Happiness called Knowing One's Self. The Alchemy of Happiness is al-Ghazzali's summary of his Ihya Ulum al-Din or Revival of the Religious Sciences. This work provides a unique explanation of Islamic psychology.
ISBN13: 9781567446944
Publication Date: 14-05-2015
Format: Paperback
Following an Introduction to al-Ghazzali's psychology of the greater struggle, the author gives a commentary upon Part One of al-Ghazzali's Introduction to his famous Alchemy of Happiness called Knowing One's Self. The Alchemy of Happiness is al-Ghazzali's summary of his Ihya Ulum al-Din or Revival of the Religious Sciences. This work provides a unique explanation of Islamic psychology.