Thank you for choosing to submit your book proposal to Kube Publishing. Our aim is to respond to every submission made. However, we cannot always guarantee that this will be possible. Furthermore, a number of proposals are rejected because they do not contain enough information or because they do not give the right sort of information; in order to give your project the greatest chance of being considered for publication, please carefully read the guidelines for the type of book you want to submit.
It can take up to 6-9 months for us to consider manuscripts/proposals, with additional time often needed if other opinions are sought. Please do not contact us via telephone or email for status updates as all Submissions are handled online via your Submittable account which only our Editors have access to. Please refer to your Submittable account “status” for any changes or updates.
Should we reject your manuscript, we will not provide you with a detailed written appraisal of your work. In some cases where we ask for a proposal to be developed and resubmitted, additional feedback may be sent.
Illustrators and Designers, please send your portfolio and links to your work to jobs(@)
** All submissions and responses are handled through our submissions page. Please do not contact us via e-mail, social media or telephone regarding your proposal. Due to the number of submissions we receive it may take more time than usual to review your work. We highly appreciate your patience **
Please read the appropriate submission guidelines for your book below.
(Before submitting a proposal you will be required to open a Submittable account. This will allow you to track the progress of your submissions.)
Read through our house style sheet (important if you want to impress the editor) House style guidelines →
Submissions Do's and Don'ts guide